Emergency contraception and abortion pill differences

Understanding the Differences: Emergency Contraception vs. Abortion Pills

Emergency Contraception (EC)

  • Purpose: Emergency contraception is used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure.
  • Timing: It needs to be taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex, ideally within 72 hours, but some options are effective up to 120 hours.
  • Mechanism: EC works by delaying or inhibiting ovulation, preventing fertilization, or impeding implantation of a fertilized egg.
  • Types: Common forms include emergency contraceptive pills (morning-after pills) and the copper intrauterine device (IUD) used as emergency contraception.
  • Effectiveness: Its effectiveness decreases the longer the delay in taking it after unprotected sex.

Abortion Pills

  • Purpose: Abortion pills are used to terminate a pregnancy that has already occurred.
  • Timing: They are typically used within the first 10 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Mechanism: Abortion pills involve a combination of medications that stop the pregnancy’s progression and cause the uterus to expel its contents.
  • Procedure: The process involves two medications, usually mifepristone and misoprostol, taken in sequence.
  • Effectiveness: Abortion pills are highly effective, with success rates over 95% when taken as prescribed.

Key Differences

  1. Objective: Emergency contraception aims to prevent pregnancy, while abortion pills terminate an existing pregnancy.
  2. Timing and Use: Emergency contraception is for immediate use after unprotected sex, while abortion pills are used once pregnancy is confirmed.(abortion pill)
  3. Mechanism: Emergency contraception prevents fertilization or implantation, whereas abortion pills terminate a developing pregnancy.
  4. Effectiveness and Window of Use: Emergency contraception’s effectiveness decreases with time, while abortion pills are most effective within specific gestational limits.

Conclusion: Understanding Their Purposes Emergency contraception and abortion pills serve distinct purposes. Emergency contraception prevents pregnancy after unprotected sex, while abortion pills terminate an existing pregnancy.

Emergency contraception and abortion pill differences
Emergency contraception and abortion pill differences
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